The Scariest Thing I Can Think Of

Written Summer 2024 in a Denny's

“Hey Aidan. What’s the scariest thing you can think of?”

So glad you asked. I was just thinking about this in a Denny’s.

That has nothing to do with the quality of the meal btw. The grand slam was great.

I think the scariest thing I can think of is an imperfect god. Specifically an imperfect god of the Catholic/Christian variety. Typically other gods like Zeus and Thor and Gaia and the like all have limits to their power and perfection, with the interplay of gods balancing each other out, like an Asimov story. But in imperfect, singular, all powerful god? Ohhhhh boy.

And I don’t mean an evil god, either. One that’s still fully good, but can just mess things up.

Like imagine there’s a god up there with his big master plan but then something goes so horrible wrong that even she can’t predict it? Or a horrible, Lovecraftian creature that appears in the middle of San Francisco that is god’s mistake? Because if this god is all powerful, in order for there to truly be a mistake it would have to create something beyond its power. That’s the scariest thing I can think of. A god that is the most powerful being inside of and outside of creation, with a big master plan and lots of love and all that, but can still fuck up.