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Created October 4th to (around) November 12th as the final project for my Intro to Game Programming class.
Invader From Another (Spatial) Dimension is a twin stick, arcade style shooter where you play as a 2D character lost in a 3D maze. Being a project created from learning, many different systems, styles, and ideas are stuck together to create IFASD, leading to different areas and secrets hidden about.
How to play: WASD to move, arrow keys to shoot. Red enemies (attackers) can have 1-10 health, indicated by how intense their red color is. Green enemies (sprinters) have varying speed indicated by how intense their green color is. Killing enemies can drop 3 different power-ups. The + power-up (glows green) heals the player. The yellow start power-up increases the player's health (max of 3 for a total of 6 health). The purple star power-up increases the player's damage (again, max of 3).
All credits and attributions can be found below or in credits_and_notes.txt on GitHub
Credits, resources, and references: In main game: Portal Cube model - Square Font (score, game over)-[]=10&l[]=1&text=Score%3A+1234567890 Arcade Classic font (main menu, the end is never...) - Astro Font (main menu) -[]=10&l[]=1&back=theme True Crimes font (main menu, logo) -[]=10&l[]=1 Sound Effects - That random VHS Store model - The banana, microwave meal, and pear model - "Someone shot the food" audio clip from Gauntlet (1985, Atari) "Glitch" audio from the WTR21 French numbers station: Player Sprite adapted from Bezerk for the Atari 2600, and inspired by Bit.Trip Heal Sprite inspired by Doom (1993) "stim pack" texture W1-W10 based on SCP field and Wanderer symbols - & Flashing light pattern in "void rooms" based on the infamous Quake/Source flashing light SCP Door texture from SCP Containment Breach "Do not go gentle into that good night" quote by poem of the same name by Dylan Thomas, 1951 "ToDo" Tool by Cyanilux - ProBuilder package from Unity package index All other graphics made by me In Test Env: Floor Texture - FLOOR4_8 extracted from Doom.WAD Spawner - From Minecraft (Beta era)
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